The Evolution of Syncrolift

Syncrolift is the product of decades of smart and forward-thinking engineering.

Evolution of syncrolift

Syncrolift has an interesting history

In 1957 Raymond Pearlson invented a shiplift, which he called "Syncrolift". Rolls-Royce then bought Pearlson Engineering in 1979 with all intellectual properties, and continued to develop better and better shiplift solutions.

That innovative mindset fit like a glove for TTS who bought the shiplift division of Rolls Royce in 2015. Since then TTS Syncrolift have continued engineering faster and safer solutions and is now transformed into the company we are today.

Please note: The Pearlson Shiplift Corporation of today started in 2008 and has no affiliation to Syncrolift. They cannot provide original OEM spare parts or services.

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